Terms & Conditions - TheBioTimes

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to TheBioTimes! Please find below our terms and conditions that govern your use of TheBioTimes (https://thebiotimes.com).

We imply that you agree these terms and conditions by using this website. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions listed on this page, do not use TheBioTimes any further.

The following language applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement, and Disclaimer Notice, as well as all Agreements: “Client”, “You”, and “Your” refer to you, the person who logs on to this website and agrees to the Company’s terms and conditions. Our Company is referred to as “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”. The terms “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us” relate to both the Client and ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance, and payment necessary to begin the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of the provision of the Company’s stated services, in accordance with and subject to Dutch law. Any use of the aforesaid terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization, and/or he/she or they is considered interchangeable and so refers to the same.


At TheBioTimes, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and comply with our Privacy Policy. Cookies are small files stored on your device that allow us to gather certain data to enhance the functionality of our website and improve functionality overall. In some instances, affiliate and advertising partners may also utilize these files.

Intellectual Property Rights

All of the content found on TheBioTimes website is owned by TheBioTimes or its licensors and all rights are reserved by them. You are granted a limited license to access and use our materials on our website for personal, non-commercial purposes within these terms and conditions; any republishing, selling, renting sublicensing duplicating redistributing must have prior written approval by TheBioTimes.

You must not:

  • Republish material from TheBioTimes
  • Sell, rent or sub-license material from TheBioTimes
  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from TheBioTimes
  • Redistribute content from TheBioTimes

User-Generated Content

Certain sections of TheBioTimes’s website allow users to post and exchange opinions and information, with comments posted by users reflecting their individual perspectives rather than necessarily reflecting the opinions or endorsement of TheBioTimes. We do not filter, edit, publish or review comments before they appear online; however we reserve the right to monitor all comments for inappropriate, offensive or other violations against these terms and conditions and remove them as needed.

By posting comments on our website, you agree and represent that you possess all necessary licenses and consents for doing so. Furthermore, your comments do not violate any third-party intellectual property rights; do not contain defamatory material; and are not used to solicit business or promote unlawful activities. By posting comments, you grant TheBioTimes an unlimited non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, edit and authorize others to reproduce them in any form or media without compensation from TheBioTimes.

Hyperlinking to Our Content

Organizations may link to TheBioTimes website if they adhere to our link guidelines:

  • Government agencies,
  • search engines,
  • news organizations
  • Online directory distributors may link directly to us.
  • All System-Wide Accredited Businesses may link to our website unless soliciting non-profit organizations, charity shopping malls, or charity fundraising groups are soliciting donations through them.

Approved organizations may link to our home page, publications, or other relevant information provided that the link does not present false or misleading impressions; that it does not imply sponsorship or endorsement and fits within the context of their website.

Other organizations wishing to link to our website must first seek written approval. We reserve the right to ask that any links be removed, as well as modifying these terms and conditions and our linking policy at any time.


You must obtain our written approval before creating frames around TheBioTimes webpages, as any that alter the visual presentation or appearance are strictly forbidden.

Content Liability

We cannot be held liable for the content that appears on your website. By using our website, you agree to protect and defend us against any claims related to that content, such as those from third-party rights infringement claims. WARNING! When linking from this page you must not link to sites with illegal, indecent, or offensive material as this violates third party rights and infringes upon third-party privacy rights.

Privacy Protection / Protection (COPPA/ PIPEDA).

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. To learn more, please refer to our Privacy Policy which details how we collect, use and safeguard personal data.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to require the removal of any links that link directly or indirectly to our website, at any time and for any reason. By continuing to link back, you agree to be bound by these changes.

Removal of links from our website

Removal of Links If there are any offensive links on our website that offend, please reach out and notify us so that we may review them and evaluate whether to take appropriate actions to take down them or consider your request as we determine our response accordingly. While we are not obliged to act upon them immediately, we will consider them and respond appropriately.


TheBioTimes takes every measure to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website; however, we make no warranty as to its completeness, accuracy or availability and reserve the right to change or remove content at our own discretion.

As permitted by applicable law, we disclaim any representations, warranties and conditions pertaining to our website and its use. However, nothing in this disclaimer limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other source. Instead, its limits and prohibitions of liability govern all liabilities arising under it whether in contract, tort or breach of statutory duty.

Reach Out

Should you have any queries or requests pertaining to these terms and conditions, please reach out by e-mail to dipakjaiswal4u@gmail.com or use our website’s contact form.